Caregiving support organizations

Family Caregiver Alliance
Committed to caring for caregivers, resource site.

Hospice Association of America

A national organization representing more than 2,800 hospices and thousands of caregivers and volunteers who serve terminally ill patients and their families.

National Area Agencies on Aging
The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) is the umbrella organization for the 655 area agencies on aging (AAAs) and more than 230 Title VI Native American aging programs in the U.S. The fundamental mission is to provide services which make it possible for older individuals to remain in their home.

National Family Caregivers Association
Supports, empowers, educates, and speaks up for the more than 50 million Americans who care for a chronically ill, aged, or disabled loved one. NFCA reaches across the boundaries of different diagnoses, different relationships and different life stages to address the common needs and concerns of all family caregivers.
