
Choosing the type of care provided to your loved one is a very important aspect of the aging process, and we want to help you find what works best for you and your family. Having a diverse team of experienced caregivers allows us to match each client's needs in a way best suited for all involved - whether it's one day a week or seven! Here we've listed several service overviews to help you get started.

Personal Care

Our personal care and hygiene services were developed with the needs of the adults living with either physical or mental disabilities in mind. We provide bathing, dressing, toileting, and oral hygiene to those who require assistance in their daily activities. At Building Bonds, we understand the importance of good hygiene and the profound impact it has on a positive quality of life, especially as we age. 

Respite Care

Respite care services exist to provide temporary relief to family caregivers for a pre-determined amount of time. We provide care from as little as a few days, and on up to several months. Tend to your other aspects of life while we ensure excellent quality care for your loved one. Reconnect with friends and family, or simply take time to recharge! Adding caregiving responsibilities to everyday life can get overwhelming, and we're here to help alleviate common stressors that come with caring for someone we treasure. 

Live-In Caregiver 

Sometimes, circumstances require that care is available around the clock.  Having a live-in caregiver is great for those that need or enjoy having someone in their immediate vicinity for many reasons, such as safety, companionship, or both!

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